/mu/sic Production Wiki

Pro Tools is the undisputed industry standard for professional recording, mixing, and mastering for a reason. Its built-in effects are second to none in their tone and in the level of control they give the user. With 64 bit processing, high bit rate and bit depth, and unparalleled summing and printing options, Pro Tools is a force to be reckoned with in the hands of a knowledgeable user. This, however, is a caveat not to be overlooked. Pro Tools offers the user a world of possibilities with control over nearly every subtle nuance of the sound, but the learning curve to be able to fully take advantage of the software is very steep and there are few free resources that really help. This learning curve is magnified if the user is new to DAWs, as even in professional settings Pro Tools takes years to fully master. The biggest barrier to entry, however, is its price tag. Licensing the software for a year costs $300, which must be paid for up front. Additionally, while Pro Tools runs much better on Windows, its system requirements demand that Windows users install Pro Tools to its own separate hard drive. Finally, Avid is infamous for uncaring customer support and for overpriced hardware and software. While powerful, Pro Tools is recommended for advanced users and users with access to dedicated Pro Tools training.